2021-09-01 Meeting Notes
X | Riki Merrick | X | Grace Oguntebi |
X | Susan Downer | X | Phylis Stromile |
- | Amanda Payne |
| Gretl Glick |
X | Natalie Raketich |
| Laura Carlton |
X | Jamie Patterson |
| Kandis Brown |
X | Emily Augustini |
| Dave Sanderson |
X | Pam White | X | Benson Chang |
- | Tina Hardin |
| Kevin McNeal |
| Jerry Sable |
| Rupal Patel |
X | Andy Shotwell | X | Doug York |
X | Amy Liu |
| Jackson McKeever |
Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Agenda Review |
| |
AIMS+ Topics | Benson |
Pulsecheck/Round Robin | All | |
Confluence Use | Amanda / Riki | Centralized document repository for links etc - use of file space? @Amanda Payne to find out if we have that option @Benson Chang to upload all resources his team can share Waiting for PMO feedback! Where is the larger decision template? - see the decision log - need to find out, if these can be integrated into the minutes and then pulled together into a page view @Amanda Payne
Show and Tell - for second Wednesday each month |
| Will start this up in October - so first Show and Tell will be October 13, 2021 |
Check on the statu sof succession planning work |
| every month or so we should see where we are on this - need updating = https://aphlinformatics.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/915865620/SuccessionPlan.xlsx?api=v2 |
Issue Review (Time Permitting) |
| this should probably migrate into Jira or smartsheet (depending on what the PMO wants) - we should review each one and decide if it is still a valid issue that needs work (and that can be closed - not something like maintenance of PLT and PLR codes) |
Action items
Review of team member allocations: Project Assignments
Link to Smartsheet that tracks COVID-19 implementations: PHLIP Coronavirus PHL Validation Status
Set of validation rules: CDC Validation Rules
Collecting lab testing workflow for each lab: CRE/CRPA/CRAB Workflows
OID Management: https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/AIC/Tech%20Arch%20Core%20Group%20Library/APHL_OID_Master.xlsx
Team Retreat Follow-Up: Cleaned 2019 Vocab Team F2F Meeting Agenda and Notes
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