2024-01-10 Communication Workgroup Meeting Minutes

2024-01-10 Communication Workgroup Meeting Minutes


Jan 10, 2024










 Andrea Pitkus

 University of Wisconsin-Madison

 Steering Committee member


 Eric Crugnale

 Sonic Healthcare USA

 Steering Committee member


Nanguneri Nirmala


Steering Committee member


Mehdi Nassiri

Indiana University

Steering Committee member


Stacy Lange

Patient Advocate

Steering Committee member


Kevin Schap





  • CAP Today article: Steering Committee approval for Workgroup to develop SHIELD goals for article and bring back to Steering Committee.

Discussion topics

  • SC vote passed to move ahead with CAP Today article.

  • Kevin will ask CAP Today editor the following questions:

    • Will SHIELD will have approval rights to article (editorial purview)?

    • Does CAP have a standard set of questions they would want ask interviewees? Would it be helpful for SHIELD to provide a list of potential questions?

    • Is there any information/documentation that writer(s) would find helpful in understanding the purpose of SHIELD?

  • CAP Today article goals

    • Recruiting (ex, more engagement from particular groups?)

    • Background/History

    • How does SHIELD align with other organizations?

    • Key deliverables (ex, LIDR)?

    • What are we hoping to achieve and how can laboratory professionals help?

    • Give flyer, outline (continue work on summary document), do we have a recorded presentation (no)? - Recommend asking writer what they would find helpful before we invest too much effort into something they may not want/need.

    • List of questions:

      • What is SHIELD? What do they do? What is the mission/focus?

      • Which stakeholder group do you represent?

      • Why/How did you get involved in SHIELD?

      • How can others get involved in SHIELD?

      • What can we expect from SHIELD in the future?

      • What role does SHIELD play in helping achieve lab interoperability?

      • How can SHIELD benefit your company?

      • What can labs do to prepare for future state of interoperability?

    • CAP Today article links for reference:

    • D-dimer trifecta: clarity on units, values, and use - CAP TODAY (captodayonline.com)

    • captodayonline.com/Archives/feature_stories/0505ddimer.html

  • Recommendations for interviewees:

    • Suggest representatives from various stakeholder groups

    • IVD Vendors: Xavier Gansel or Nick Decker

    • SHIELD Leadership: Riki Merrick and/or Andrea Pitkus

    • Pathologist/Laboratorian/CLIAC: Hung Lu

    • Pathologist/Laboratorian: Raj Dash (CAP Committe participant)

    • Standards Organization: Marjorie Rallins or Eza Hafeza (Regenstrief/LOINC)

    • Commercial Laboratory: Eric Crugnale (Sonic)

Action items

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Decisions requiring context or tracking

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