#121 ELR Open Forum 07SEPT23

#121 ELR Open Forum 07SEPT23

Meeting Name:

ELR Open Call #121


Vanessa Holley


Thursday, September 7, 2023


Ray Lewis


25 minutes




Zoom Link:

Meeting Zoom Link Meeting ID: 940 4241 0458, Dial: (312) 626-6799

Recording Link

ELR Open Call Checkpoint 121 090723

Zoom Chat Notes:


Propose Topics

ELR Open Forum Proposed Topics

Past Meeting Recordings & Notes

ELR Open Forum Dashboard - Weekly Agenda






Centralized ELR Updates

Adding Columns to National Flat File for Sequencing Related Data

Brooke Beaulieu, APHL

Emily Augustini, JMC

Demo: New Vocab Tool

Brooke Beaulieu, APHL

VT ELR Questions

Vanessa Holley, APHL







Action Items

Datapult/Doug Y.

Centralized ELR Updates

Adding Columns to National Flat File for Sequencing Related Data

  • Encompass Health (ENCOMPASSHEALTH^00Z0000009^CLIA)

    • Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Columbus (11D2282914) is scheduled to go live 9/12/23.

    • Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Prosper (45D2286542) is scheduled to go live 10/24/2023.

  • Sonic will kick off soon. We will follow up with more accurate timeline as soon as the kickoff is scheduled.

  • New batches of Expanded ELR rules have been emailed. Please review and provide any feedback.


  • Proposed addition to the National Flat File to accommodate ORC-2/OBR-2.


Brooke Beaulieu, APHL

Emily Augustini, JMC

New Vocab Tool

The LOINC_SCT_ConditionMap script associates LOINC test codes and SNOMED CT result codes by condition.

LOINC_SCT Condition Map Script: Overview & Instructions

Please use and review at your convenience.


Brooke Beaulieu, APHL

VT ELR Questions

Vermont would like to get insight from other jurisdictions on the call for the following:

We have recently noticed in our NBS system about 90 patient records with a generic/testing naming convention – the first name is a phonetic letter and the last name is a state name + ‘.XYZ’. For example, a patient’s name appears as ALPHA.XYZ, ALASKA. They all have come from one facility, who uses Epic for their EHR. We have been told by the facility who sent them to us that these conventions are what Epic uses for John/Jane Doe patients, and that they are in fact real patients.

To that end, we are wondering if any other states have come across this and if so, how they handle them. Specifically, we are wondering:

1) How states might go about recovering/assigning the actual patient data to update these records (if such info exists) and

2) How states enforce receiving these type of results, since they don’t meet minimum data reporting standards (i.e. reportable results must include name, DOB, address, etc)?


Questions and Answers / Other Discussion

Vermont (Responses)


  1. RJ (NC)-We have several facilities that use EPIC. They have trauma patients that present with no address. They usually are a Jane Doe but, they don’t receive on their side.

  2. Anna MN- Are well aware of several sites (that use EPIC) that use a naming convention for John and Jane Does. They are keeping a list of it. Usually during covid, a pt who didn’t speak english would be listed and registered as a john on jane doe. The lab would be tested before the registration is complete which presented problems with matching, updating, and retransmitting that result to them. Their working solution has been to keep this list (both the naming conventions by facilities). By doing this, when a program staffer encounters this, they can confirm whether it is a test patient or a “real” patient and then use the medical record number in contacting the facility (laboratory or healthcare organization) to get deidentified to update/upload in the system.

  3. Ellasion-Doug- For CA, we ask those sending WGS results to use the same accession, same specimen collection date and of course the same pt demographics and they usually match back to the original diagnostic Covid test based on those variables.







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