#132 ELR Open Forum 07MAR24

4Meeting Name:

ELR Open Call #132


Brooke Beaulieu


Thursday, March 7, 2024


Ray Lewis


29 Minutes




Zoom Link:

Meeting Zoom Link Meeting ID: 940 4241 0458, Dial: (312) 626-6799

Recording Link



Zoom Chat Notes:


Propose Topics

ELR Open Forum Proposed Topics

Past Meeting Recordings & Notes

ELR Open Forum Dashboard - Weekly Agenda





Vanessa Holley, APHL

USCDI+ Updates

Brooke Beaulieu, APHL







Action Items

Vanessa Holley, APHL

USCDI+ Updates

CDC and ONC did join our last Open ELR call on 3/22 to discuss all things USCDI and USCDI +. Please review the last call’s notes to review a high-level overview of last week’s discussion.

USCDI+ comment submission has been extended to Friday, March 29th.

If you would like to submit any feedback to APHL, please use the form below. The deadline for form responses is Friday, March 15h.

Comment Form for USCDI+ Laboratory Data Exchange (smartsheet.com)


Vanessa is to remove the current Open ELR meeting invite.

Other Discussion/Updates

Brooke Beaulieu, APHL

New Facilitator Role

Brooke Beaulieu will now facilitate the Open ELR call going forward. Thank you, Vanessa Holley, for your outstanding job of making this call what it is. We look forward to continuing and expanding this call.

Vanessa Holley will still remain an active member on this call going forward.

Brooke will be sending out the new Open ELR meeting invite for this group.

Brooke and Ray will be creating an Open ELR participant and distribution Smartsheet for this meeting.

Sita Smith (MA)

Error messages received without filename with AIMS

Lost access to AIMS (link to support is located

Possible Interpartner Access issues

Submit a ticket through AIMS help desk to review the issue.


Per Vanessa, there has been a discussion (internally) around increasing the limit of individuals with AIMS access per state. This conversation is still ongoing. Stay tuned!


Sita will send one ticket for the filename issue. Within this ticket, she will include the access issue.

Ray will review Sita’s Interpartner access.

Jennifer Stewart (NC)

Karla Norsworthy (NC)

Is there any update on getting ARUP ready to onboard to ELR.

No additional updates as of today. We will review this topic and provide any updates that are received.

Karla-So do the folks who are accepting ELR from them translate from their local codes? Ellaison-CA is receiving 2.3.1 from ARUP. CA does do some message uplift all messages that come in. They do change some of their messages. They take what is provided and change to the format they would like to have.

Will there be any additional updates to PHIN MS? There were no additional updates regarding this matter, and it was suggested to send an additional TA request review this matter.

Jennifer Stewart or Karla N. will submit two ELRTA requests for assistance with ARUP to assist with their LOINC and SNOWMED codes to their catalogs. They also would like to review where they are with the VA. You can submit that request here at Technical Assistance Request Form (smartsheet.com)