#126 ELR Open Forum 16NOV23

#126 ELR Open Forum 16NOV23

Meeting Name:

ELR Open Call #126


Vanessa Holley


Thursday, November 16, 2023


Ray Lewis


15 Minutes




Zoom Link:

Meeting Zoom Link Meeting ID: 940 4241 0458, Dial: (312) 626-6799

Recording Link

ELR Open Call Checkpoint 126 111623

Zoom Chat Notes:


Propose Topics

ELR Open Forum Proposed Topics

Past Meeting Recordings & Notes

ELR Open Forum Dashboard - Weekly Agenda






Centralized ELR Updates

Tim Longo, Quest Project Manager

Quest Updates

Vanessa Holley, APHL







Action Items


Centralized ELR Updates


 Encompass Health (ENCOMPASSHEALTH^00Z0000009^CLIA)

  • Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Fitchburg (WI) (52D2285255) go live was 11/14.

Doug-Will review with Encompass regarding other jurisdictions seeing a recent deviation from the standard values of administrative sex.

Tim Longo, Quest Project Manager

Quest Updates

Tim has been working with the Quest ELR team to streamline the process of support tickets coming to AIMS. They have been able to create a specific Quest support queue for ticket submission.

Tim created a one-page reference with the instructions on how to contact Quest for direct issues.

When submitting tickets to Quest, please provide as much information as possible.

You can now email Quest non-transport issues at QuestPHRSupport@questdiagnostics.com

You can send all AIMS transport issues to AIMS Help Desk at informatics.support@aphl.org

Review the updated Quest support card and Public Health Coordinators list as well in the notes.


Other Discussion/Updates

Michelle Hoover (CDC)

New Technical Assistance Form

PHIG and ELC have partnered to pilot a shared TA record type for technical assistance related to public health data modernization activities to support coordination among CDC experts in providing TA related to data modernization. 

The form that APHL created with within Smartsheet (ELRTA, PHLIP, NNDSS, etc.) will now be a part of this new form.

The CDC is working to have the entire technical assistance process built into their new technical assistance module located in Salesforce. Unfortunately, this not completed yet and you can still send these requests through standard technical form until complete.

Any data modernization efforts, please include within the new portal (DMTA).

There is no timeline for full completion at this time, but they are looking to have completed soon.






Brooke B.

SOGI Updates

There have been updates on this call related to HL7 based standard for SOGI data.

Per Rikki, this workgroup is working on making the finding edits to this base standard now and their hoping to request publication soon.

Originally, an estimate was Jan. 2024 but it may be available as soon as Dec. 2023. This will depend on how quickly the workgroup completes the edits.

Brooke and Rikki will advise once completed and released.

As other states are considering this, we have taken steps to update the ELR validator to accommodate.

Hoping to have the new validator in production by the end of the year.




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