#128 ELR Open Forum 11JAN24

4Meeting Name:

ELR Open Call #128


Vanessa Holley


Thursday, January 11, 2024


Ray Lewis


19:40 minutes




Zoom Link:

Meeting Zoom Link Meeting ID: 940 4241 0458, Dial: (312) 626-6799

Recording Link


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Vanessa Holley, APHL

TEFCA & PH Updates

Riki Merrick, APHL

Dual Reporting States

Vanessa Holley, APHL







Action Items

Vanessa Holley, APHL

TEFCA & PH Updates

The Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA) Public Health Educational Guidance Document and SOP comments are due to the Recognized Coordinating Entity (RCE) by Friday, February 2, 2024.

PH Educational Guidance:

Provides information about the opportunities to use TEFCA in support of public health data exchange and includes a call to action for the public health community to actively engage in building and participating in public health use cases under TEFCA. This resource includes details that describe:

  • How TEFCA-based exchange will work;

  • How TEFCA can support the public health community;

  • Considerations for PHAs and Health Care Providers to use public-health exchange in TEFCA; and

  • How the public health community can be actively engaged in TEFCA’s development.


To be released next Friday, January 19th


Riki Merrick, APHL

Dual Reporting States

Cross-posting from Connect:
This question was posted to the NIST V2Reportable googlegroup by Donna Featherston donna.featherston@cookchildrens.org:


For states that are Dual Reporting, tests that are not performed at your facility (instead performed at Reference Labs) have to be reported in the ELR or can it continue to be reported as current state. (Reference Labs already report these and Infection Prevention & Control faxes these to the state).  Reference Labs do not flag results as reportable, so we would have a problem identifying them in the interface.

Link to the CSTE Connect post: https://connect.cste.org/communities/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=2b45ec1b-242c-4df5-9050-4693014d2247&CommunityKey=0a8a57e8-cd6c-4fb9-8a43-018a09344624#bm2b45ec1b-242c-4df5-9050-4693014d2247

Feedback from States regarding Dual Reporting

Cody (OR)-OR is a dual reporting state. They do require facilities to send the reference lab results. They have to modify the sending org information which if frequently not done. It is unknown whether childrens.org is a hospital. Generally speaking, it is expected for them to send that data and modify the sending.

Jennifer S. (NC)-The provider report requirement is different than the lab report. It is for the lab that is actually performing the test. We expect the collector to report the test, since they performed the test.

Michelle M. (WA)WA is not a dual reporting state, though we do ask them to dual report if they are able. Consistently, lab staff state that if they do a sendout they don't worry about reporting because the reference lab is expected to report the test. We do find different capabilities for sending dual ELR reporting based on their system. We've had issues with Cerner sites.

Ellison (CA)-CA is similar to what Jennifer was describing from NC.

Gerald B. (NH)-NH requires the hospital lab to report the reference lab tests to the state in addition to the reference lab report. Depending on software used in the hospital lab it can be a challenge.


Other Discussion/Updates