#135 ELR Open Forum 18APR24

#135 ELR Open Forum 18APR24

4Meeting Name:

ELR Open Call #135


Brooke Beaulieu


Thursday, April 18, 2024


Ray Lewis


7 Minutes





Zoom Link:

Meeting Zoom Link Meeting ID: 940 4241 0458, Dial: (312) 626-6799

Recording Link:


Zoom Chat Notes:


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Jannie Williams (CDC) and


PHINMS update and upcoming version 3.3 release 4/22:

  • Java Compatibility Expansion
    PHINMS 3.3 is compatible with more Java versions. Users can now use PHINMS 3.3 with any Java version of their preference. PHINMS 3.3 was tested and confirmed working with any Java version from Java 8 to 17, including Java from Oracle and open-source Java.
    Note: PHINMS 3.3 needs to use Java Development Kit (JDK) to work, not Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

  • Update Bundled Tomcat Server
    The PHINMS application uses Tomcat as a web server engine. This release of PHINMS was updated to Tomcat Version 9.0.84 which currently has no security vulnerabilities.

  • Update to latest Log4j
    Outdated Log4j 1.xx.x version has been replaced with Log4j 2.17.1.

  • SQL Server Database Windows Authentication Type
    Windows authentication feature was added in PHINMS 3.3. Now Microsoft SQL Server database users have the option to choose between windows authentication and SQL authentication. With windows authentication, users are authenticated through windows Active Directory (AD).

  • Windows Server 2019 and SQL Server 2019 Compatibility
    PHINMS 3.3 has been tested and confirmed working with windows server 2019 and SQL server 2019.

  • Console/Interface Links Updated
    Broken/nonworking menu buttons on PHINMS console were removed and replaced with working links.

Brooke Beaulieu

Reminder: Ongoing Quest IFD Implementation Efforts

Cohort 1: Pilot

  • Testing and validation: NY (Prod scheduled week of 4/22)

  • Prod: CA, HI

Cohort 2:

  • Testing and validation: AL, CO, CT, DE, GA, TX, GA

  • Prod: FL, IA

Cohort 3:

  • Testing and validation: IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, MS

Reach out to Tim Longo with any questions: tlongo@jmichael-consulting.com

Brooke Beaulieu

Open Mic: Any questions or discussion topics?








Action Items







Other Discussion/Updates


No additional items for discussion today.