#141 ELR Open Forum 08AUG24

#141 ELR Open Forum 08AUG24


Meeting Name:

ELR Open Call #141


Brooke Beaulieu


Thursday, August 8, 2024


Ray Lewis


18 minutes





Zoom Link:

Meeting Zoom Link Meeting ID: 940 4241 0458, Dial: (312) 626-6799

Recording Link:

Zoom Chat Notes:


Propose Topics

ELR Open Forum Proposed Topics

Past Meeting Recordings & Notes

ELR Open Forum Dashboard - Weekly Agenda








Tim Longo


Quest Implementation Update

Update on the ongoing Quest implementation.

Please review the slide show above for a detailed review of the implementation efforts.

32 Jurisdictions are in production.

19 jurisdictions are currently in validation.

Thank you to everyone for looking and reviewing the test messages.

Please contact Tim Longo (Quest Project PM) tlongo@jmichael-consulting.com if you have any questions.

The Key contacts for this project are located on within the presentation.

This will be the last of the non-standard Quest laboratories that APHL will implement.

Hilda (LA)-agreed on moving Quest SJC to prod. on 6/28.

Brooke Beaulieu

Proposed Resolution for Missing PID-7 in Quest ELR

As noted in previous calls, the Quest ELR project team is developing a solution to address the rare occasion that PID-7 is missing in messages. Previous feedback includes:

  • Broad preference to allow messages to still pass validation; However, recommend populating with the field something and not just leaving blank.

  • If using nonsensical data to populate, request to avoid fake dates and just zeros.

  • A few jurisdictions advised that an ‘all-zero' date would be challenging because their surveillance system uses the name DOB and other pieces to match.

  • Taking all feedback into account, the proposed solution is for Quest to populate a zero code when PID-7 is missing. Alternate solutions will be scope for those jurisdictions for which this will not work.

  • Next steps:

    • Formal email communication to notify jurisdictions of this change, with one-week feedback period.

    • Email will also capture need for 1) alternate solution needed and 2) requesting test messages.

Email Tim Longo (tlongo@jmichael-consulting.com) with any questions.

Brooke Beaulieu

Open Mic: Any questions or discussion topics?

  • Next call: Thursday, Aug 22 at 4:00 PM ET

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