#138 ELR Open Forum 27June24

#138 ELR Open Forum 27June24

Meeting Name:

ELR Open Call #138


Brooke Beaulieu


Thursday, June 27, 2024


Ray Lewis


19 minutes





Zoom Link:

Meeting Zoom Link Meeting ID: 940 4241 0458, Dial: (312) 626-6799

Recording Link:

Zoom Chat Notes:


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Tim Longo

Quest IFD - Implementation Status Update


Tim L.-Update-We are still working to finish implementation for the last nonstandard Quest LIS, Quest IFD. The target date to get all the jurisdictions onboarded is June 28. This has been extended currently but will need to be completed as soon as possible.

Currently halfway complete: 27 jurisdictions are in production and 24 (low to zero volume states) are currently in validation and review (Map is included in the slide deck and recording of this call). After this project ends, Quest ELR will move into Ops and Maintenance.


Hilda M. (LA DPOH):

  1. MSH-5 and MSH-6 fields-Will these be hard coded for each state uniquely?

    • Per Tim L., yes and this is the main component that they are working to correct. This should be fixed by the end of this week (6/28) and should apply to your specific jurisdiction.

  2. Still seeing tests that are undefined under the LOINC codes and or the test name, is there a timeline for when this test will be mapped?

    1. Per Tim L.-They have been told by the lab that this is an ongoing issue they are working to resolve. They are addressing as received, but there is no timeline for this. This will continue to be addressed with ongoing maintenance.

Follow Up:

  • Tim will inquire and provide an update to Hilda at @Hilda.Madere@la.gov

  • Karla-Follow-up with Tim offline to discuss production questions.


Kim Brown

Proposed solution for missing PID-7 in Quest messages (rare)


Thank you to everyone who answered the polls.

For missing PID-7, most states advised that they were accepting of receiving a message that was incomplete and to allow that message to pass validation.

Very few states advised that they would not like to receive those (any of these states, please contact Brooke B., Tim L., or Kim B. to provide details if needed).

The proposal that they are suggesting is not to send anything over blank because most states advised that it is better with something in place such as a fake date. They are seeking to have these changes implemented by the end of the summer.


  • Please don’t place “fake dates” and just place all zeros if this information is missing.

  • Autumn Ward, KY DPH-KY (NBS state) would be interested in testing this in our lower environment. I know we have issues with MCI and invalid DOBs in NEDSS.

    • Per Kim-She will work with the KY team offline to review a POA.

  • NC advised that this would be a challenge because their surveillance system uses the name DOB and other pieces to match.

    • Per Kim B., she and her team will contact NC to review a plan of action.

  • Jason - RI has a similar challenge as NC and Kim B. will need to work offline with them as well.

If you would like to submit any additional feedback for this issue after the call, please submit it to either Kim Brown or Brooke B. for follow-up.

Brooke Beaulieu

Open Mic: Any questions or discussion topics?

  • Next call: Thursday, July 11 at 4:00 PM ET

No additional topics this week.

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