#144 ELR Open Forum 03Oct24

#144 ELR Open Forum 03Oct24


Meeting Name:

ELR Open Call #144


Brooke Beaulieu


Thursday, October 3, 2024


Ray Lewis


36 minutes





Zoom Link:

Meeting Zoom Link Meeting ID: 940 4241 0458, Dial: (312) 626-6799

Recording Link:

ELR Open Call #144 100324

Zoom Chat Notes:

Propose Topics

ELR Open Forum Proposed Topics

Past Meeting Recordings & Notes

ELR Open Forum Dashboard - Weekly Agenda








Brooke Beaulieu

FYI - APHL TA Request form under construction. Please submit all technical assistance requests, including ELR TA & Interpartner ELR connection requests, via ELC CAMP.



Riki Merrick

HL7 options for sending Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) data in ELR

  • Example messages (also included in slide). Note, these will fail in the NIST validator because the segments are unexpected


Brooke Beaulieu, Riki Merrick

Continuation for CSTE ELR Workgroup call:

  • Presentation on LRI vs ELR on 10/1 call: Using the LRI PH Profile Component & how it compares to ELR:

    • Covered differences between ELR R1 and LRI E5, including differences in:

      • Profiles

      • Message level

      • Structure level

  • Discussions questions/comments previously submitted via chat:

    • Can anyone comment on how much work might be involved in transitioning from receiving ELR R1 to LRI? Is it a big lift? Will it require re-onboarding and validating feeds from labs currently sending ELR? thank you. Just thinking about what implementation will actually look like for PHAs

      • It will vary.  If looking at it from the RECEIVING side of public health of ELR,  It depends on which values/which fields are changing between the old healthcare org feed and new healthcare org feed.  Also depends if the public health entity has a conversion between HL7 versions happening internally within their processing of inbound data. If looking at it from the SENDING side of public health labs, similar considerations would need to be evaluated to determine scope.

    • How will we  get everyone on the same page, since there are so many 'interpretations' of the rules already and it's so challenging to get various laboratories to change and/or ensure all jurisdictions are using the same interpretation of the rules?

    • What will the implementation look like for labs? How quickly (or not) would it be anticipated that they might adopt the LRI?

    • Would our PHA systems need to be able to accept BOTH ELR R1 and LRI E5 for a period of time?

    • Why would they not require Ordering Provider/Facility name?

      • Requiring ordering provider name

      • Asking to send ordering facility name when available. Should this be required (R) in the PH profile?

    • Other questions/comments?


Brooke Beaulieu

Open Mic: Any questions or discussion topics?

  • Next call: Thursday, Oct. 17, at 4:00 PM ET


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