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Reminder: APHL TA Request form under construction. Please submit all technical assistance requests, including ELR TA & Interpartner ELR connection requests, via ELC CAMP.
AIMS related needs/support ticket can still be submitted to the AIMS Service Desk.
APHL will be posting finalized HTI-2 comments on Confluence shortly. We will send the posting to this group when it is live.
Brooke Beaulieu
ELR to LRI Discussion Update
Riki created a Word document that shows the transformation between ELR R1 and LRI PH E5 with comments indicating the changes
Word document also has an embedded text file that is just the message content for testing.
See post on CSTE Connect (CSTE ELR Workgroup Community).
Riki-The updated word document has comments describing each of the word changes. Riki also updated the PowerPoint that was shared during the presentation.
Brooke Beaulieu
Follow-up on SOGI Discussion:
Last week, Riki shared the two HL7 “legal” methods for sending SOGI data in ELR:
Observation based approach (in OBX segments)
Gender harmony approach (GSP, GSR, GSC segments)
Test messages for each method. Note: these will currently fail in the NIST validator because the segments are unexpected:
Observation Based:
Gender Harmony:
Has anyone been able to look at the test messages? Any initial feedback or concerns on how folks are going to be able to receive SOGI?
(see the chat notes for jurisdictional dialogue regarding this topic)
Per Riki, the difference between the observation and the segment-based approaches is that the observation only covers what’s in the GSP segment. The GSR and the GSC is not covered in the observation-based segment.
R.J (NC)-Is the limitation is that it is not any LOINC defined in an AOE fashion?
Riki-The reason is that the GSR segment has more meta data therefore, you would have to extend the OBX segment to include that meta data.
You can use the sex for clinical use LOINC code in an OBX if you place it in an AUE section.
If the jurisdictions would like to continue this topic, please forward the request to Brooke Beaulieu.