#131 ELR Open Forum 22FEB24

#131 ELR Open Forum 22FEB24

4Meeting Name:

ELR Open Call #131


Vanessa Holley


Thursday, February 22, 2024


Ray Lewis


55 Minutes




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USCDI+ and USCDI v5 Discussion

Vanessa Holley, APHL







Action Items



USCDI+ and USCDI v5 Discussion

USCDI plus comments were due March 4.

USCDI Version 5 comments are due Monday April 15.


ONC (Al Taylor and Kathleen (Katie) Tully)

Draft USCDI Version 5

What is USCDI?

Comprises a core set of data needed to support patient care and facilitate patient access using health IT. USCDI establishes a consistent baseline of data for other use cases. They expand over time via a predictable, transparent, and collaborative public access.

ONC Cures Act Final Rule established USCDI v1 in 2020.

ONDEC Submission System-Anyone can submit a new data idea to this system.

ONDEC Levelling Criteria (0,1, and 2) Readiness, Feasibility, and applicability of data. The 4th category is breath of applicability.

Prioritization criteria for new USCDI Data Elements-Public Health, Underserved communities, Healthcare disparities and inequities, Behavioral health, and Key additions over past USCDI versions.

New Data Elements in Draft USCDI v5-Clinical Notes(Emergency Department Note, Operative Note), Medication (Route), Immunizations (Lot Number), Laboratory (Test kit Unique Device Identifier), New Data Class (Observations (Advance directive observation and Sex Parameter for clinical use)), New Data Class Orders, Provenance (Author and Author Role), and Patient Demographics Information (pronoun, Name to use, and Interpreter needed).

USCDI Plus -intended to extend beyond USCDI. It was established for public health to think about how we can extend USCDI to meet more program or use case specific needs.

USCDI Plus is more flexible with how they approach their update cycles (Iterative and Rolling Process).

Core USCDI plus principles-Ensure harmonization across all data elements in USCID and USCDI plus domains (e.g. public health, maternal health, quality, and cancer)

USCDI Plus Public Health-Capture the data needs of public health that fall outside of the scope of USCDI; improve data quality and availability.

Current Use Cases-Case Reporting, Immunization Data Exchange, Resource Reporting and Situational Awareness, Laboratory Data Exchange, and Risk Behaviors and Health Equity

Feeback Requested-Laboratory Data Exchange- 1. What additional data elements should be included in this dataset to support these use cases? 2. What data elements may be unnecessary outside of the COVID-19 pandemic? 3. What additional laboratory data exchange use cases may be valuable to include within the dataset?

Feedback Requested-Case Reporting-Public Health are their data elements that are coming across as “Null” consistently?


Questions and Comments


Riki: the lab use case is under public health - does that mean it is limited to the exchange from lab to PH, or ANY lab results? Katie-We are thinking about it from the exchange of data in between public health and labs.

Kevin Weitemier (Oregon PHL): Does USCDI+ Public Health include newborn screening programs? Katie-Yes, if that is something that is important to include in scope of lab. Please comment.

Riki: Need to get a better understanding of what the boundaries are between the different domains: how does cancer and laboratory interact with each other - and also laboratory and Real world data? Katie-For this data set, lab being a data set within public health, we are going to be navigating as we move along. This is something they will encounter on a case-by-case basis. Please provide comment(s) as needed.

Riki: Should the USCDI+ use case lists ALL the elements, regardless of being already in USCDI or not? Katie-Yes, if you could submit feedback concerning demographic elements regarding this. Data elements that are not already in USCDI.

Per Katie, extensions are available for feedback.

Riki: What is the preferred way for new element submission - are new requested elements visible right away, so we could add to them? Katie-There is a way to submit new data elements. It’s not the exact same as USCDI. There is a new feature, when you go to submit, that will flag if the data element has already been submitted.

Katie Tully - ONC: USCDI resource email: USCDI.Plus@hhs.gov


CDC (Desiree Mustaquim)


Will be sharing comments the week of 3/4 (the week of 2/26 will be difficult to have completed due to possible bandwidth issues)

There were a lot of data elements missing. This should align with the current ELR standard.

Their program suggested that they should cast a “wider net” to encapsulate everything.



Other Discussion/Updates

Vanessa Holley, APHL





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