2022-08-31 Meeting Notes

2022-08-31 Meeting Notes



Riki Merrick


Amy Liu


Susan Downer


Grace Mallard


Amanda Payne


Christina Gallegos


Natalie Raketich


Gretl Glick


Jamie Patterson


Laura Carlton


Emily Augustini


Kandis Brown


Pam White


Dave Sanderson


Tina Hardin


Benson Chang


Jerry Sable


Doug York






Discussion topics







Agenda Review


NIST GVT errors and translating them to make them more understandable

Jamie and Amy will be happy to help - in the new IGAMT tool we can tweak the errors directly on the GVT, will not work for older profiles

new IGAMT only covers rabies, NAACCR and RadX (and then Quest next) - ideally we will migrate all profiles over (but they have to be manually re-created) we will have to decide if we want to break apart the large PHLIP/ARLN/VPD profile

also need to figure out how to work collaboratively on the same profile (might require a shared log-in - similar to SNOMED submissions )

Next Steps:

@James Patterson to upload the copies of ALL profiles from his computer onto confluence.

@Amy Liu to build a confluence page as “error repository” to start creating the list of errors and their respective interpretations of them - as subpage to the new NIST profile page



Agenda discussion:

Introduce the APHL SNOMED CT extension (replacement for PLR codes) - how long should we support use of the PLRnnnn instead of the new SCT extension

desired was 6 months, guideline was support for 2 years - but it was never enforced



Vocab Team Calendar

Datapult Topics


 mulitple source sites for same specimen topic:

A client has modified the cdc guidance https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/clinicians/prep-collection-specimens.html#:~:text=Two%20swabs%20from%20each%20lesion,vigorously%20to%20collect%20adequate%20DNA on specimen collection where they are combining swabs from different skin lesions into the same container with transport medium, so the question came up how to represent that in V2 SPM segment, since SPM-8 (Specimen Source Site) does not repeat - similar approaches are being taken for C auris colonization testing, where the same swab is used to swab muliptle skin locations - for ALRN program we have created pre-coordinated PLR codes for these, but if we include those in the specimenCMT, then we would have the same problem.

I have sent this to the HL7 specimen project list serve for discussion

Current short term solution is to send in SPM-8.9 as free text description

Pulsecheck/Round Robin


Vocab Team Resource Dashboard

Confluence Use

Amanda / Riki

Show and Tell?


SOP Worthy Topics

Do we have something for next month?

Sign up to be a presenter for an SOP worthy topic, if you are the one most familiar with the topic, estimate time it will take, and pick a date you might want to present on
Review the list of SOP worthy topics and add more (what do you think folks need to know, if they are taking over your work, or what skill do you know one of us has, that you would like to learn more about)

Succession Planning


#1 Review every month or so:


#2 think about what is missing:

Christina is reviewing - is missing a tab for informatics, so is working on drafting a starting point for review


Issue Review (Time Permitting)


Issues List from Sharepoint


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Decisions requiring context or tracking

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