2023-04-26 Meeting Notes
X | Riki Merrick |
| Amy Liu |
X | Susan Downer | X | Grace Mallard |
X | Amanda Payne | X | Christina Gallegos |
- | Natalie Raketich |
| Gretl Glick |
X | Jamie Patterson |
| Laura Carlton |
X | Emily Augustini |
| Kandis Brown |
X | Pam White |
| Dave Sanderson |
| Tina Hardin |
| Benson Chang |
X | Andrea Prada |
| Doug York |
| Karrie Schwencer |
Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Discussed | Notes |
| Yes | |
New call time | Riki | Yes | https://www.when2meet.com/?19777205-GSTQh Looks like it will overlap with EOTR no matter what, so we will keep this timeslot |
Datapult Topics | Doug | No |
Updating PLT to LN / PLR to SCT | Amanda / Jamie | Yes | LOINC and SNOMED submissions UT is using Symedical Viewpoint and found the new LOINC - how do we update those? Still a work in progress - we have not retired the PLT codes yet after the last release - will then email the program and allow them to use it for 1 year and then we will remove it from the list of acceptable codes for some programs - some programs may chose to allow continous use (ARLN) we also need to write a CR to update the ARLN implementation spreadsheet - how to know which PLT codes are affected At every LOINC release we are running PLT against LOINC and let it automap - but only 78 auto-mapped Create a list of ARLN PLT codes and comapre against all codes that are candidates for submission ARLN profiles used by DAART did not validate any optional fields or values in the value sets - the NEW NIST code corrected that error, so now DAART is finding optional fields that have incoerrct vocab, because they don't match the value set - we should change the binding of that value set to suggested? - as long that then lets the message passed ideally we should fail messages for incorrect vocabulary on elements that use HL7 defined tables, otherwise all are realluy just suggested values - see V2 Table List - HL7 Terminology (THO) v6.1.0 |
GVT valuesets | Pam / Jamie | Yes | TCAMT - working on species values - GVT is validating only off the codes, not the description - when you save the codes from excel into TCAMT it reorders every time you save - excel also converts the namespace codes to scientific notation… may need to make sure we save ONLY as csv |
NBS LIVD file | Riki | No, but added update post call | Got NBS questions by state from Newborn Screening program at APHL - created this googlesheet (Careful, has editor rights!) as a draft: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MVhrROkx8M96Lcna3mwdr9-75yT_O0DGSw7KnDTS1lk/edit#gid=0 Also have updated the NBS Standard code file to this, which also has the conditions screened for by state / condition and :
And created the IGAMT file:
Update from 4/25 call: Will set up a larger group - think it is important to: #1 get states to start working on consistent use of the question and their answer sets as well as getting consistent with the text for the interpretations = long term goal #2 Craig will share his analysis of variations in LRI implementation across the different states as starting point to help harmonize the LRI format used by ALL states #3 collect more feedback on the best format to achieve the best presentation for clinicians (so that they see what they MUST see first) as well as writing guidance on how to achieve that in the LRI specs |
CT ELR TA request | Riki | No, but added update post call | Talked with Emily and Susan - they have base code, but have a couple of questions for CT before deciding on fianl approach and start the work |
Symedical Updates | Riki | No, but added update post call | We now have 3 runtime envrionments: 2 for ETOR (prod and test) and the default |
NIST tooling discussion | Jamie | No |
Pulsecheck/Round Robin | All | No | |
Confluence Use | Amanda / Riki | No | Update the Meeting Notes template - discuss where to put some of the links we currently have there.
Show and Tell? |
| No | Sign up to be a presenter for an SOP worthy topic, if you are the one most familiar with the topic, estimate time it will take, and pick a date you might want to present on Review the list of SOP worthy topics and add more (what do you think folks need to know, if they are taking over your work, or what skill do you know one of us has, that you would like to learn more about) |
Succession Planning |
| No | Review every month or so: https://aphlinformatics.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/915865620/SuccessionPlan.xlsx?api=v2 |
Issue Review (Time Permitting) |
| No |
Review of team member allocations: Project Assignments
Link to Smartsheet that tracks COVID-19 implementations: PHLIP Coronavirus PHL Validation Status
Set of validation rules: CDC Validation Rules
Collecting lab testing workflow for each lab: CRE/CRPA/CRAB Workflows
OID Management:
Editable Smartsheets:
See Vocab Shared Documents and Resources for View-Only reports
Team Retreat Follow-Up: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U_yQSLn1XbpZ2cXpRaHiy1RCopWuH6nPArMN5X-Gtho/edit
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